Since hundreds of years artists have painted in oil. There is an old school reputation for oil paintings. This is probably due to the fact that many European masters used this medium. Mona Lisa is also an oil painting. The oil painting is known for its glossy finish. Some people find it intimidating to choose this art as their style, but the results can be stunning, continue reading?

Abstract art is an excellent technique, which every artist should at least try. The depth that the painter creates depends on the first impression the viewer has of the painting. Because of their quality and consistency they can take longer to dry and be more difficult to work with. Remember to paint one stroke, not fast.

You are overwhelmed with the thought of using oil paints to paint? You can use the following guidelines to give your painting a deeper understanding and depth of oil art.

Choose the right materials for your abstract painting.

Get paintbrushes that are made from synthetic fibers.

It can be a piece of wood or paper.

You will need to use another solvent with oil paints. Linseed is one of the best options.

Prepare a tray or plate for mixing colors. A palette knife can also be used to mix the colors.

Towels, or an old rag.

You can use an easel if necessary.

The second step is to prepare the base.

You should apply gesso before painting your abstract. This is because oils are heavy and they will seep in if you do not. It makes it easier to paint on the surface and also resists the acids in the paints. Gesso creates a surface that is much easier to paint on.

Step Four: Sketching an abstract idea

Before you start painting, it’s a good idea to sketch out the abstract art you want to create. You don’t need to draw everything but you should have a general idea so that your strokes are in line with the concept you’re going for. Then you can begin painting.

Understanding the order of layering for your abstract oil art

A final thing to keep in mind before starting the main painting: apply a thicker covering or layer on top of the thin, and allow it to slowly dry instead of allowing it to quickly dry. In simple terms, this means using thinner paints and less oil in the first layers and thicker paints with a higher ratio of oil in the following layers. The earlier layers will dry much faster and no cracks should appear. Keep the linseed to oil ratio at 2:1 as it tends towards yellowing with age, but dries quicker than the other oils.

Making an abstract oil paint by step.

After priming and sketching on your canvas surface, you are now ready to apply various hues of color directly on the canvas or use a pallet to have more control of the shading and angle.

Begin by painting with a limited number of colors. Use one color at a moment and begin to add different shades in different areas. Align your colors to the abstract you want.

Once you have the colors where you want, use a paintbrush or palette knife to finish the job. To achieve a smoother finish, use a palette to flatten paint globs and then blend the paint with a toothbrush. You can also dab lighter or darker paint to create smaller details.

Paint thicker to create angles and lines where you need them. Use the brush to create edge or bristles to create texture. Move the bristles in the desired direction.

Paint can dry unevenly. Some paints may appear matte, while others shine with a glossy surface. Don’t worry as you will be applying the final coat of varnish in a month to give it a glossy finish. You may find that some paints dry matte, and others glossy, but do not worry. The final coat will be applied in one month, giving it a glossy look.