Carpet cleaning is an easy way to make money and work for yourself. There are two things you must have in order to start our site company: a product and someone who is willing to buy it. Although carpet cleaning isn’t difficult, you need to be knowledgeable about how to clean your carpets and what equipment can do.

There are three main types: liquid extraction, dry foam, and hybrid liquid carpet cleaning. The bonnet is used to scrub the floors thoroughly. The most common method of carpet cleaning is liquid extraction. This is because it’s the most cost-effective. You must create a business plan before you start your business. Because your carpet cleaning business is equipment-based, you will need to have enough money to start it.

It will be a surprise to discover how many types of carpet cleaning equipment are available when you go to purchase your first equipment. You can find carpet cleaning equipment at your local cleaning supplies distributor, or online at carpet extractor and vacuum cleaner websites. There are many carpet cleaning units, including portable and truck-mounted extractors as well as carpet spotters.

Carpet spotters are designed for cleaning small spaces and areas that aren’t flat like boats, cars, or furniture. These spotters can also remove small spills or stains, and they are lightweight and easy to transport. Offering mobile auto detailing is an excellent way to grow your carpet cleaning services. This service is rapidly becoming popular and people will pay top dollar.

If you are just getting started in the cleaning business, portable carpet extractors might be what you want. There are two types portable carpet extractors: tank and wand units or portable walk behind. Tank units are best if you’re going to be cleaning many carpets often. Tank units can attach carpet wand tools to a wide range of jobs and are the most versatile. Tank extractors can be equipped with heaters to heat the extraction solution. This results in cleaner carpet. You can get tank portable carpet extractors for as low as $1200 to $7000 new, and many other options.